About Us
Agile Innovating boosts the total innovating experience for organizations that struggle with innovating and need innovation now.
Agile Innovating ™ is a novel systemic practice that integrates prominent innovating methodologies and proprietary techniques, the best elements of the Agile Software Development process, and the waste reduction focus of Lean Manufacturing.
Agile Innovating ™ systematically reduces the trouble caused by uncertainty, slow development velocity, and resistance to change. A-I delivers more innovation faster, making innovation the norm.
Agile Innovating organizes its client interactions and work as a project, based upon a service delivery model of Do, Demonstrate, Deploy.
The Agile Innovating service delivery model helps ensure that Innovation becomes the norm instead of the exception.
Agile Innovating Project Definition
- a series of planned activities designed to create a defined deliverable
- the activities are limited in time and have clear beginning and end dates
- the activities contain elements that are new and haven’t been done before ( i.e. innovation )
- requires an investment of time and resources
- creates momentum for change
Principal Innovator

Kevin A. Fee
Kevin has 40 years senior management experience in Innovation Leadership.
This experience includes involvement in Strategic Planning, Technology Development, R&D, New Product Development, Product Management, and Manufacturing Process Development.
Technology Experience
- Automated machinery and equipment
- High Security Banking Equipment
- Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)
- Pharmaceutical powder processing
- Mail handling and sorting
- Automotive products and components
- Smart Lockers
- Assembled and Non-Assembled Product Manufacturing
- BS Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University - Graduate Certificate in Lean Operations (Toyota Product Development and Production Systems)
University of Illinois – Chicago - Graduate Certificate in Organizational Leadership
Kansas State University - Advanced Certificate for Executives in Management,
Innovation, and Technology
MIT Sloan School of Management
– Strategy and Innovation
– Technology, Operations, and Value Chain Management
– Management and Leadership - Certificate in Human Centered Design
Intellectual Property Portfolio
- 17 United States patents
- Trade Secrets associated with proprietary manufacturing processes