The factors associated with high performance innovating are surprisingly few in number, but even more surprisingly hard to master.
1. High performance innovating starts with overcoming a limiting belief.
The belief that “We have plenty of time to innovate, when we need to, because our business performance is stable.” is probably not true. Paradoxically, you need to take advantage of the times of good performance and stability to invent and introduce changes to the status quo. It is easier, with higher success rates and less risk to business performance, to introduce change in times of stability.
2. High performance innovating needs a specific driving force.
The driving force is your “Why”. Your “Why” becomes your trigger to start, and provides a sense of urgency, purpose, and direction to innovating projects. The stronger your “Why”, the higher your innovating hit rate.
3. High performance innovating requires a methodology to reduce uncertainty and increase innovating speed.
Uncertainty increases the bias to the status quo which causes risk averse decisions that stymie innovating.
4. High performance innovating demands a Change Management Practice to reliably change the status quo by leading the acceptance and adoption of a new solution.
The User, Business, and Market status quo, defined by an existing solution, is “sticky”. You must manage the process of Users, Employees, and Customers becoming increasingly uncomfortable with an existing solution, and progressively more comfortable with a new solution, to overcome the “stickiness”.
You successfully innovate by inventing and introducing distinctive new solutions that replace existing solutions, faster than your competition, with minimal business disruption and maximum market impact.
Agile Innovating introduces you to, and helps you master, the four pivotal factors that unshackle high performance innovating.
Contact us when you are ready to take charge of your business’s future.